Bulle's ACU shirt is a fine example of just how high quality replica gear can be, and is especially so considering its fairly low price (I'd challenge you to find an actual shirt for less in many shops). Good fit, especially for someone who is on the small side of small, and its a good choice for anyone looking to buy camo gear in the lower price bracket that this fits into. Only complaint would have to be about the odd fit around the upper arms, especially where the velcro pouches sit. When wearing the shirt without being in combat, they sit in a noticeable fashion on the arms, which can be annoying. My other problem would be about the fit around the chest, which is quite generous, but if you combine it with a plate carrier or assault vest, this is somewhat negated. Suggestion - wear a T-Shirt! Good buy, highly recommended. - Submitted by Pete Naylor
Bulle's ACU shirt is a fine example of just how high quality replica gear can be, and is especially so considering its fairly low price (I'd challenge you to find an actual shirt for less in many shops). Good fit, especially for someone who is on the small side of small, and its a good choice for anyone looking to buy camo gear in the lower price bracket that this fits into. Only complaint would have to be about the odd fit around the upper arms, especially where the velcro pouches sit. When wearing the shirt without being in combat, they sit in a noticeable fashion on the arms, which can be annoying. My other problem would be about the fit around the chest, which is quite generous, but if you combine it with a plate carrier or assault vest, this is somewhat negated. Suggestion - wear a T-Shirt! Good buy, highly recommended. - Submitted by Pete Naylor